A temple in Hawai’i


So. Today the day has come when I dare…

I’m going to tell you about my most heartfelt project.
My dream that I want to bring into the world, no matter how crazy it may seem:

A temple in Hawai’i.

I’ve been dreaming about it for a long time, the pieces of the puzzle are gradually coming into my life, my consciousness.
Since July it has been clear: it’s not just a crazy idea, it’s a project that really wants to become reality –
and I have opened the door to it.
In my video series “TALK” I talk about this temple for the first time today and about the inspiration for others to perhaps turn their “crazy” ideas into reality after all…
(Just to know: This video only is in german, I am working on english material…)


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The EDEN TEMPLE stands for world peace
and the sacred connection of the masculine and feminine.


For now, I invite you to enjoy this start together with me, to hear about this project.
The rest will come little by little… I am in the process of gathering the materials to give others the opportunity to become part of it. So what you can expect to follow here…

… the vision and history of the temple

… there will be a newsletter

… I will launch a crowdfunding campaign

… and of course I will share my adventures with this project.


If it calls you to become part of this,
feel free to contact me:




I am looking forward to this journey
with everything it will give me and you and the world.

A warm welcome to you,
